Endless Repetition

We want to create a narrative, based on the Lockean view of identity, that shows how formative memories we have from our childhood subconsciously and consciously impact our lives and even define who we are as people. Our main philosophical point for the film will focus more on why humans are creatures of habit and why we sometimes find familiarity favorable to positive change. The choice that our character will make to continue with her task is a reference to both eternal recurrence and the myth of Sisyphus. By choosing to continue to live her repetitive days again and again, she is choosing to derive happiness instead of terror from the pseudo-eternal recurrence that she has found herself in. The reason for this is the same reason that Camus speculated that Sisyphus should be happy. Lastly, we aim to touch on the impact of learned helplessness that stems from human’s desire for habits. Our main character endures a lifetime of a seemingly mandatory, mundane routine. Our goal is to have the audience asking themselves, “What am I doing in my life that is learned helplessness?” and by the end of the film, have them asking, “Should I aspire to defeat learned helplessness or does it play a role in our happiness?”