Author: Devon Smith, Jack Volpert, Cooper Smith, Esidore Eneinyang
Made for: COMPLIT 154A / ENGLISH 154F / FRENCH 154 / ITALIAN 154 / PHIL 193C / PHIL 293C: Film & Philosophy
Our screenplay takes its audience on a journey of cyclical uncertainty, regret, and hope, using the Zeitmann lineage as a vehicle to bring the philosophy of agency and morality into question. The screenplay begins with Sebastian, the eldest Zeitmann, setting off a chain of events that transport us into the later events of the tale. Sebastian’s son, Leo, is the second in the lineage, and his life is defined by a mistake his father made when operating on him as a child. This mistake in Sebastian’s brain operation on his son inadvertently gifts and curses Leo with the power to have visions of the future, adding another dimension to our questioning of agency and morality.