
The purpose of the DLCL INGENIO Creative Student Showcase is to share with the Stanford community the creative works that students are making within their DLCL classes.

The second edition of INGENIO is titled Interrogating Life, Exploring Language. Many of the submitted works critically analyze the human condition and ponder daunting concepts like morality and mortality, while others push the expectations of language and encourage us to imagine life, art, and the world beyond conventional standards. This collection of comics and collages, screenplays and scripts, and videos and poems brings together students from many disciplines, cultures, and languages to closely examine the truths of existence and humanity.

The 2023 INGENIO Showcase was organized by 2022-2023 ILAC Peer Advisor Mary Mitchell (Spanish Major, Art Practice Minor, Modern Languages Minor ‘23). This edition would not be possible without the support of Cristian Felipe Soler, Ronak Shetty, Quinn Dombrowski, Judy Nugent, Professor Kathryn Starkey, Theresa Nelson, Alyssa Diaz, Maya Návar, and the DLCL Events Team.

Technical notes

INGENIO was built by DLCL Academic Technology Specialist Quinn Dombrowski using Jekyll and the Feeling Responsive theme by Phlow. Shout-out to Alex Gil for the Jekyll debugging help.